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Body Stress Scanning
This gets to the bottom of things. A Bionetic scan will help us see what systems are stressed, blocked, and not getting the energy they need.
Comprehensive Lab Testing
Analysis of blood, urine, stool and/or saliva for disturbances in the body such as parasites, digestive tract or hormone imbalances, heavy metals, inflammatory markers, vitamin, mineral and electrolye levels and more.
We will look at what your body may be lacking, and determine if a nutritional plan will help your body fight it's battles.
Spiritual Guidance
You are 99% spiritual and emotional. The 1% physical part my be troubling you now, but looking into the spiritual and emotional can help direct your body. Stress kills, man.
Holistic Remedies
There are many things that can be used to help your body get back into balance. Laser therapy, natural remedies, supplements, nutrition and other methods are evaluated.
Health Recovery Plans
It can all seem overwhelming. Your body is complex and ailments are just as complex. We will start with a simple plan that you can act on right away as we move forward to total healing.
Let's Talk Holistic Health.
The first step is setting up an appointment to discuss your health situation. Thinking holistically means discussing your symptoms, finding the cause of them, and discovering the best plan for you to correct those things causing your body to function poorly. Your emotions, nutrition, spiritual condition, physical condition, past experiences and current circumstances all contribute to your physical health. We start by looking at all the factors leading to your condition.